EQ Assessment Tools



Emotional Intelligence can be learned and improved. It is not fixed like IQ. It can be divided into two skill categories: Self-management Skills and Relationship-management Skills. Self-management Skills are made up of three competencies: self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-motivation. Relationship-management Skills are made up of two competencies: empathy and effective relationships.

  • Leadership rests upon four cornerstones: self-awareness, relationships, continuous learning, and credibility. Emotional intelligence includes: self-awareness, continuous learning (resilience), and effective relationships.
  • EQi measures emotional intelligence competencies based on Reuven BarOn’s Model of Emotional Intelligence. Your individual report gives you a total EQ score and sub-scores divided among five composite scales and fifteen content sub-scales. These composite scales and content sub-scales break out as: Intrapersonal (self-regard, emotional self-awareness, assertiveness, independence, and self-actualization), Interpersonal (empathy, social responsibility, and interpersonal relationships), Adaptability (reality testing, flexibility and problem-solving), Stress Management (stress tolerance and impulse control), and General Mood (optimism and happiness).


FIRO-B identifies interpersonal qualities and dynamics of wanted vs. expressed behaviors. It produces scores on 6 dimensions and reveals how preferences for social patterns affect behavior patterns related to interacting with others, directing conversation, and getting involved in supportive behaviors.

  • FIRO-B helps understand how need for inclusion, control and affection can shape interactions with others at work or in personal life. The instrument discerns the respondent’s own needs for inclusion, control and affection, as well as their expression of desire for inclusion, control and affection from others.


CONFLICT DYNAMICS PROFILE is an assessment instrument that deals with conflict behaviors in the workplace and provides a powerful way to improve self-awareness of what triggers conflict in individuals as well as how they respond to conflict.

  • The Conflict Dynamics Profile provides information on how others perceive someone in a conflict situation and the events that trigger stress and conflict for you. (We call these buttons.)
  • It provides better management of hot buttons in real life situations using one's own emotions to help motivate difficult conversations and an understanding of differing perspectives.


MBTI 2 measures personality across four continuums: Extroversion/Introversion (E/I), Sensing/Intuition (S/N), Thinking/Feeling (T/F) and Judging/Perceiving (J/P). 

  • The Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator Step II measures personality across four continuums: Extroversion/Introversion (E/I), Sensing/Intuition (S/N), Thinking/Feeling (T/F) and Judging/Perceiving (J/P).
  • The E/I continuum measures attitude toward the world; the source of your energy. An extrovert’s essential stimulation is from the environment—the outer world of people and things. Introverts get their essential stimulation from within—the inner world of thoughts and reflections.
  • The S/N continuum measures your ways of gathering information. The sensing function gathers information by way of the five senses—sight, sound, feel, taste, and smell. The intuition function processes information by way of a “sixth sense” or hunch.
  • The T/F continuum measures ways of making decisions. The thinking function decides on the basis of logic and objective consideration. The feeling function decides on the basis of personal subjective values.
  • The J/P continuum measures the manner in which you live (lifestyle). The judging lifestyle is decisive, planned, and orderly. The perceptive lifestyle is flexible, adaptable, and spontaneous.


PDP makes all the pieces fit. Measures Dominance, Extraversion, Pace, Conformity, Energy, and Logic. Compares manager to candidates and employees. Sees natural self, predicts outcomes under stress, and allows participant to see self as others do. An assessment instrument dealing with conflict behaviors in the workplace that provides a powerful way to improve self-awareness of what triggers conflict in individuals as well as how they respond to conflict.

  • PDP is a complete and integrated management system designed for selection, development, and retention of high performing people.
  • PDP is a statistically based, predictable and reliable process for identifying and quantifying people’s natural behavioral strengths.
  • It summarizes the various factors represented within a team to give a prediction of perceptions, interactions, communication, and decision-making styles.