Value Proposition Differentiators

Why Harrington Search

  • Former Chief Human Resources Officer with more than 25 years experience balances business and cultural “fit” of each client.
  • Semifinal candidates complete a Strategic Planning Simulation in presentation format created by Harrington Search.
  • Semifinal candidates complete a Self - Assessment of Leadership Competencies using examples presented during the Harrington Search Interview meeting.
  • Assessment ability provides objective and subjective alignment with client style and culture.
  • Understands client’s business, culture, and KPIs.
  • Fixed fee includes best in class leadership assessment tools and post hire coaching for finalist.


Culture and Style Assessed

  • Assessment of the culture fit and of change management if required comes early in the search engagement.
  • EQ evaluation balances with IQ domain expertise. (see EQ Assessment Tools)
  • The “WHO” combines with the “WHAT” in hiring.
  • Crisp specification design includes key competencies.

Aligned Interview Process

  • Thorough and aligned internal interview and assessment process with the evaluation team targets competencies, desired behavior, and past relevance balances with future potential.
  • Helps the client create relevant questions that target the profile and fit.
  • IQ, EQ, experience, competencies, and domain expertise analyzed during the interviews provide post interview discussion with the aligned assessment team.

Designed Integration Process

Profiling to Integration - Rigorous integration of the new hire with hiring manager using “Breakfast of Champions” model.

  • Assesses the ability to effectively give and receive feedback as an important leadership skill after the hire.